early warning incident prevention
Detecting abnormal cell behaviours before they become a safety issue can help prevent dramatic production losses caused by unplanned shutdowns.
All industrial electrolytic cells have differences in performance & aging. In order to properly follow the decrease in performance of an electrolytic cell, it should not be compared to the rest of the electrolyser. Instead, the detection of decreasing performance of cells must be based on the modeling of the behavior of each individual cell.
Cells behave differently, making it difficult to determine if a particular cell is behaving normally simply by observing its raw voltage values. That is why you need the EMOS® EARLY DETECTION ENGINE.
How does the EMOS® Early Detection Engine Work?
A model is made for each individual cell.
The model is compared with the actual real-time behaviour of the cell.
The resulting value displays how far a cell is deviating from the normal model.
If a cell strays too far from the model, beyond a set point, an alarm is sent to the operator.
Key Features and Benefits
Real-Time Display of Abnormal Cell Behaviour
Plant Specific Models
Start Preventive Actions Immediately
Configure Visible Alarms
Avoid Unplanned Shutdowns
Automated Model Refreshes
Prevent Irreversible Damage
Complements the SIL2 Safety System
Detecting abnormal cell behaviours before they become a safety issue can help prevent dramatic production losses caused by unplanned shutdowns.